You Have Been Declined for Health Insurance in California, Now What?

The Obama government brought in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010. However, the current Trump government would like to repeal this act as it believes it increases the cost of health insurance. While the current federal government’s efforts to repeal the act have not been successful, it brings to the forefront the importance of having health insurance, and being declined for health insurance in California can be worrying and stressful.

Health Insurance in California

California is one of the states where health insurance providers have the right to deny medical insurance to people. Top health insurance companies in the state make use of actuarial tables to assess risk, and based on these tables, companies can decide to decline health insurance application. Hence, if your health insurance in Orange has been declined, it most probably has to do with your health and medical history.

When you fill out a health insurance application, you will have to answer multiple questions related to your health. In case you answer in the affirmative one of these questions, your application will be reviewed by the underwriter, who will refer to actuarial tables to determine how big the risk is for the company to offer you coverage. Actuarial tables are statistics that predict the cost of insuring a person with a particular medical condition.

So, if your health insurance in Santa Ana has been declined, it is because the insurance provider believes that you will be using health insurance too often and hence, will be opting for claims and settlements very frequently. This will make it expensive to insure you.

The Way Forward

Do not get stressed if your health insurance application has been rejected. If you are without a job or belong to a low-income family, you can still avail Medicaid in California. In case, you have kids, they can be covered by the Health Family health insurance program.

It goes without saying that there will be number of people like you, who have been declined for health insurance plans. Hence, the state has a program called MRMIP that allows insurance providers to be part of it. You can get medical insurance through this program, but it has a waiting period. However, if you don’t want to wait, you can get in touch with an insurance broker to set up a group plan. Make sure you have a registered business to avail this facility and once you have such a group health plan, you will be covered without any hassle.

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