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Workers Contractors Insurance|Stanton|714 761 4336

Workers and Contractors Compensation Insurance Stanton

Workers and contractors’ compensation insurance is an essential aspect of any business operation in Stanton, California. Besides the mandatory requirements, it plays a crucial role in protecting the business owner from any legal claims and protects the employees in case of any injuries or accidents in the workplace. It’s smart to consult with an insurance agent or a lawyer to guide you through worker’s compensation laws and understand the insurance policies better.

In Stanton workers’ compensation is mandatory for all employers, while contractors’ compensation is for contractors who hire employees.

Workers’ compensation insurance provides medical and wage benefits to employees who suffer from workplace injuries or illnesses. Additionally, it also provides protection to employers from any lawsuits or legal claims from employees who are injured on the job.

For contractors who hire employees, contractors’ compensation insurance covers work-related injuries and illnesses of the employees. It also provides liability coverage and protection from legal claims filed by employees injured on the job.

In Stanton, California, business owners are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance for all their employees, including part-time and full-time workers. Failure to carry this insurance may result in hefty fines and legal consequences.

Let the Rais Insurance team at Stanton help you! Call today 714-761-4336 for a free consultation.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance (New Law)

