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WordPress database error: [Table 'dbraisinsurance.raisinsurancenew_wfBlocks' doesn't exist]
select blockedTime, reason from raisinsurancenew_wfBlocks where IP='796929242' and (permanent=1 OR (blockedTime + '300' > unix_timestamp()))

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WordPress database error: [Table 'dbraisinsurance.raisinsurancenew_wfLeechers' doesn't exist]
insert into raisinsurancenew_wfLeechers (eMin, IP, hits) values (floor(unix_timestamp() / 60), '796929242', 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY update hits = IF(@wfcurrenthits := hits + 1, hits + 1, hits + 1)

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Insurance Service Ontario

Everything Your Flood Insurance Doesn’t Cover

Flood Insurance Ontario is not as easy a contract as you would think. It has its terms attached to it, making the insurance quite complex. Here are some damages it does not cover:

  • Damage caused by moisture, mildew, or mould which could have been avoided.
  • Additional living costs in a hotel or lodging while the house is being prepared.
  • Loss of access or use of the damaged property.
  • The financial losses caused to business due to the floods.
  • Structures and belongings present outside the insured building such a septic tanks,
  • fountains, walks, decks, patios, etc.
  • Precious metals, currency, and other valuables.

The upper limits for flood insurance are $250,000 for buildings and 100,000 for belongings. However, you don’t have to get this high coverage if you live in a low risk area. Experts at Rais Insurance Services, INC will help you discover exactly how much coverage you need for Flood Insurance Ontario, Auto Insurance Ontario, Home Insurance Ontario, Health Insurance Ontario, and Life Insurance Ontario.
