WordPress database error: [Table 'dbraisinsurance.raisinsurancenew_wfBlocksAdv' doesn't exist]
select id, blockType, blockString from raisinsurancenew_wfBlocksAdv

WordPress database error: [Table 'dbraisinsurance.raisinsurancenew_wfBlocks' doesn't exist]
select blockedTime, reason from raisinsurancenew_wfBlocks where IP='1123631815' and (permanent=1 OR (blockedTime + '300' > unix_timestamp()))

Strict Standards: Declaration of description_walker::start_el() should be compatible with Walker_Nav_Menu::start_el(&$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = Array, $id = 0) in /data/19/1/92/119/1907119/user/2075799/htdocs/wp-content/themes/raisinsurancenew/functions.php on line 0

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WordPress database error: [Table 'dbraisinsurance.raisinsurancenew_wfLeechers' doesn't exist]
insert into raisinsurancenew_wfLeechers (eMin, IP, hits) values (floor(unix_timestamp() / 60), '1123631815', 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY update hits = IF(@wfcurrenthits := hits + 1, hits + 1, hits + 1)

Auto, Home, Health, Life Insurance Service in Beverly Hills | Rais Insurance

Insurance Service in Beverly Hills

Factors to Consider before buying Home Insurance

When you are living in one of the most expensive localities of the world- Beverly Hills, you cannot leave out on insuring your home. No matter how posh the place is, you cannot always avoid getting hit by sudden natural disaster, fires, and more. Therefore, you need the best possible home insurance plan to protect your home and its contents.

Rais Insurance Services, INC is one of the leading insurance providers who have been in business for the past 40 years, giving out the best insurance plans. And they comply with all the factors of a great home insurance provider given below:

  • Affordable Plans
  • 24*7 Call Assistance
  • Comprehensive Coverage
  • Ease of Transaction
  • Preventive Care

And, apart from home insurance, they also provide Auto Insurance, Health Insurance, Life Insurance, and Flood Insurance in Beverly Hills.
