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Business Insurance Mission Viejo, California (CA), Best Business Insurance Quotes, Agent - Rais Insurance

Business Insurance Mission Viejo California

Even as you run a successful business, disaster can strike any time and force you to shut the doors. Although it is tempting to cut your business costs by foregoing business insurance in Mission Viejo, business experts highly recommend that you have a business insurance policy in place.

Although business insurance can sometimes be expensive, it is an expense every business owner, regardless of your niche, years you have been in operation and industry size, should have it in the budget. At Rais Insurance, we offer you business insurance products that offer you protection against the following.

Catastrophic Loss

In case of tornadoes, hurricanes, floods or fires you can be sure that this will not be the end of your business. We offer you insurance coverage for all types of losses, and any loss you incur becomes temporary instead of permanent.


In case a client slips and falls in your business premises or there is a product defect that causes harm, it could spell doom for your business. Our coverage offers you protection against such incidences including mishaps that may occur during normal business operation.


New businesses are a target for thieves. The new office equipment like furniture and computers is more valuable in a pawn shop than older equipment. Older businesses undergoing renovations are also major targets. Our replacement insurance protects your business in case of equipment theft, missing and repairs in case of vandalism.


Even with active efforts to eliminate frivolous lawsuits, the number of individuals and other businesses suing business people is still high. A lawsuit can virtually mean the end of your business. We understand this and offer you a policy that will cover at least part if not all of the damages, in case you are successfully sued.

The amount of business insurance we offer you at Rais Insurance, will depend on:
• Your industry
• Business structure
• Assets your business owns

From 1982, we have been offering small, medium and large customized business insurance products. Whether you lease or own the building you are operating in, we have a product especially for you. Contact us for more information on business insurance in Mission Viejo now.
