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Business Insurance La Habra, California (CA), Best Business Insurance Quotes, Agent - Rais Insurance

Business Insurance La Habra California

Running a business is a challenge in and of itself – the last thing a business owner wants to have to deal with is the trouble that comes with the less accountable risks in life. From a sudden lawsuit due to a painful accident, or a professional mistake resulting the loss of more than just a client’s trust, there are any number of scenarios where business insurance in La Habra is more than just a necessity or a legal need – it’s an asset.

We at Rais Insurance will make sure you don’t have to walk the fine line between where insurance becomes superfluous and where it becomes useful – we consult with you to help you figure out how much protection your business needs, depending on your industry, size, and budget.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance exists to protect your business legally – that means, if your business becomes victim to a claim for property damage, bodily injury, or similar lawsuits due to an accident, general liability insurance is what helps us here at Rais Insurance help you stay on top of things financially, and tackle the lawsuit.

Property Insurance 

Whereas homeowners protect themselves against disasters more than anything else, a property insurance policy is usually kept for the purpose of protecting against more lawsuits due to accidents occurring on your property. If you own a commercial property for your business – be it an office space or an entire building – then your business needs property insurance.

Errors and Omissions Insurance

Also known as professional liability insurance, this is an insurance coverage type that service providers need. If your service is one that could damage a client’s reputation, financial standing or health if accidentally performed wrongly – from being an accountancy company to a medical clinic – then this type of insurance is what protects you financially against the backlash from such accidents or examples of negligence.

Worker’s Compensation 

While contractors or entrepreneurs don’t need worker’s compensation, small business owners do. If you have someone on your payroll, then the higher the chances of them getting hurt on the job, the more important this kind of coverage becomes. Whether you’re in the IT industry or managing a factory, we at Rais Insurance will help you figure out how much business insurance in La Habra you need.
