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WordPress database error: [Table 'dbraisinsurance.raisinsurancenew_wfBlocks' doesn't exist]
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WordPress database error: [Table 'dbraisinsurance.raisinsurancenew_wfLeechers' doesn't exist]
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Insurance Service Needles

Is Flood Insurance included in Homeowners Insurance?

Flood insurance covers all the damage caused to your home and belongings due to heavy rainfalls and floods. They are the most common and damaging natural calamity that can cause a lot of destruction in just a few minutes. Worse, the repair costs that it brings can burn a huge hole in your pockets.

Moreover, typically, your homeowners’ insurance does not cover floods, requiring you to have separate provision for floods, whether or not you are living in a risk-prone area. Even if your Home Insurance provides for damages due to floods, it surely is going to ask for additional charges.

Rais Insurance Services, INC, has been involved in insurance business for over decades and they know how much flood protection your region needs and where you can get it at best premium. Also, they provide assistance for Auto Insurance Needles, Home Insurance Needles, Health Insurance Needles, Life Insurance Needles, and Flood Insurance Needles.
