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General Liability Insurance San Diego, CA | 714-761-4336 | Insurance Quotes - Rais Insurance

General Liability Insurance San Diego

Areas We Serve: 22434 | 91911 | 91932 | 91942 | 91945 | 92014 | 92025 | 92027 | 92029 | 92037 | 92038 | 92039 | 92071 | 92091 | 92092 | 92093 | 92101 | 92102 | 92103 | 92104 | 92105 | 92106 | 92107 | 92108 | 92109 | 92110 | 92111 | 92112 | 92113 | 92114 | 92115 | 92116 | 92117 | 92119 |92120 | 92121 | 92122 | 92124 | 92126 | 92127 | 92128 | 92129 | 92130 | 92132 | 92134 | 92136 | 92137 | 92138 | 92139 | 92140 | 92142 | 92145 | 92147 | 92149 | 92150 | 92152 | 92153 | 92154 | 92159 | 92160 | 92161 | 92163 | 92164 | 92165 | 92166 | 92167 | 92168 | 92169 | 92170 | 92171 | 92172 | 92173 | 92174 | 92175 | 92176 | 92177 | 92182 | 92186 | 92187 | 92190 | 92191 | 92192 | 92193 | 92195 | 92196 | 92197 | 92198 | 92199

Who Needs General Liability Insurance?

If you have stepped out on your own and you realize that you actually need to take care of yourself, then one of the first things you need to cover yourself with is the best general liability insurance San Diego can provide. Liability insurance is something you can get by itself, or it can be packaged in with renters or home insurance. That being said, things do happen and you have to be sure you are covered for the unexpected.

The Incidentals

As any insurance agent from Rais Insurance will tell you, there are more than enough opportunities in a given day for things to go wrong. Slips, trips and falls are one of the worst and most common perils out there when it comes to claims frequency. However, on top of those norms, there are also things that occur constantly such as breaking something that isn’t yours, there are always dog bites, intoxicated guests for parties, and even injured contractors on the premises. These sorts of things happen all of the time, and as a Rais Insurance agent will tell you, if you aren’t covered for liability you will pay for the claim to be fought with money out of your own pocket even if you didn’t do anything wrong.

The Unforeseen

Another side of the liability claims world is anything that could happen that is a one in a million sort of deal. If you have a tree from your yard fall on the neighbor’s house, then you could be on the hook. What if you Threw a ball to your son and it goes through a neighbor’s window or dents the car? What if it hits a neighbor and causes medical bills? When it comes to general liability insurance San Diego is known for, then you will at least know when the craziest things happen, you are still going to be covered by a major insurance company. The key isn’t just being covered; it’s knowing you are covered even when you don’t know what to expect.

