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Auto Insurance La Habra, California (CA), Cheapest Auto Insurance Quotes, Agent- Rais Insurance

Auto Insurance La Habra California

When it comes to auto insurance in La Habra, we here at Rais Insurance have your back. Whether you’re driving an old vintage car or the latest minivan, we can help you determine exactly what kind of an insurance policy best fits your needs, budget, and car model.

Car insurance is a legal necessity in the state of California – as in most of the rest of the country. Over here, car insurance is fault-based – meaning, every driver needs liability insurance if they are to hit the road in their vehicle. Liability insurance isn’t the only kind of coverage an insurance policy can offer you, but it’s the only one you most definitely need.

Liability Insurance 

Liability insurance protects the victim in a crash, no matter who it may be. That means if you get into a car crash that was your fault due to negligence or oversight of some kind, then your liability insurance will be used to try and help cover the costs of the damages you’ve caused in the crash, both medical and collision-based.

Your own damages, however, are not covered by your liability insurance. That’s where a more complete and expanded insurance policy comes into play, and depending on how experienced you are as a driver, and how easy or difficult it may be to repair your car, we at Rais Insurance can help you figure out if you need more coverage.

Collision Insurance 

Whereas liability insurance covers the other party in a crash – or you, if you weren’t at fault – collision insurance is what saves you the trouble of paying for your own vehicle’s damages after a crash. This may or may not be worth it, depending on what kind of a car you’re driving. But if you’re not confident that you’ll be able to get your car repaired without major financial worries, then collision coverage can save you a lot of trouble.

Comprehensive Insurance 

Comprehensive damages are damages to your car that don’t involve car crashes or other accidents on the road. If something happens to your car while you’re not behind the wheel, or involved with another car – think vandalism, disasters, theft, or anything else that would leave your car wrecked, damaged or gone – then auto insurance in La Habra can help you through comprehensive insurance.
